20 Jun 2015

Knowledge is Powerless without Execution by saurabh chharia motivational speakers in hyderabad

Don’t you feel like me that we know lots and lots of useful stuffs but instead of applying what we already know we always run behind learning something more?

I was the best example of this,I was always running behind learning new techniques and strategies on mind training staying positive. I read so many books watched lots and lots of videos and was always hungry to learn more and more. I had gathered lots of priceless knowledge but i was not able to see any change in myself.


I was a lot behind in execution part i was very good at gathering information but very very bad at application.Then i made a commitment to myself i wont read another book, i wont see another video till i apply something which i have already learned.

Now i see a drastic change in my confidence, I have more passion i feel lot good about myself i can feel the change which i brought in myself by starting to apply the Great Knowledge i learned from great People like Tony Robbins ,Bishal Sarkar,Brain Tracy.

Now i never read a new book till i apply the lessons which i learned from the previous one. This has changed my life. It can change yours as well.

I ask you right now Do you just GATHER INFORMATION and don’t TAKE ANY ACTION ON THEM. I say to you all your knowledge is worthless if you don’t act on it. Stop the new book which you are reading right now and first start applying the knowledge which you learned from the previous one. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

As being motivational speaker in Hyderabad i always say to you be a great executor. Now knowledge is available for free go to google you can learn anything but all is worthless if you don’t execute them. Being a motivational speaker in Hyderabad i must learn something new daily and not just learn i need to apply it and check if it works for me.This is how even you should go on with your life.

QUESTION: Are you applying the knowledge you have already learned?

Do you know that 9 out of 10 start-up business fail?

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