22 Jun 2015

Asking Right Questions by saurabh chharia motivational speakers in hyderabad

Do you wonder why few people are always in a negative mood and why few are just always so positive in life? Do you ever stop and think where one person is happy to see its raining where as there is one who is cursing the rain? Don’t you ever feel that in few tough situations we are very calm and relaxed and sometimes even in a very casual situations we panic?

Being a motivational speaker in Hyderabad, I read a lot and watch great successful people and the common factor I found why few people are always positive,Happy and handle any problems with ease is “THEY ASK RIGHT QUESTIONS”.I know you may feel it’s so simple and stupid but yes my friend this is the most important portion where we fail .

The reason why few people are always in negative mood is they ask the wrong questions. for example Why world is so bad,why  everything wrong just happens to me, why I am so stupid,why is life so hard and so on.MIND IS SIMPLE IT WILL ANSWER WHAT ALL QUESTIONS YOU ASK. If you ask why I am so stupid your mind will give you 100 reason’s behind your being stupid. If you ask why life is hard you will 100 reason’s for the same and slowly you will turn into a negative person.

Why not change your questions. Suppose something wrong has happened ask yourself. What did I learn from this? Will it really matter from 10 years from now? How to get out of this situation now? When you ask such questions you will get such answers and instead of becoming negative you will become strong and find ways to get out of the problem.

Questions Change your FOCUS .Right Questions makes you to focus on right answers. So learn to ASK RIGHT QUESTIONS.

All successful people they have this one thing in common they ask Better Questions.

In public speaking training in Hyderabad I focus a lot on asking the Right Questions. How you can change your focus instantly by asking right questions.

So here am I saurabh chharia the motivational speaker in Hyderabad ask you this :”ARE YOU ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS”


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