20 Mar 2019

summer camp
Are you looking for a summer camp in Hyderabad for your kids? We at Saurabh Chharia's Believe that Summer camps must be a mix of fun and learning. What do you believe? Its the month of April and May when the schools go off and its the time for the kids to relax and have fun and extracurricular learning. Summer camp is a concept which provides kids a platform and an opportunity to lear...

17 Oct 2018

Life Skills and Soft Skills training in Hyderabad by Saurabh Chharia Have you ever wondered writing a book without learning ABC of Alphabet, similarly aspiring to have a happy and successful life with learning ABC of Life sounds impractical. Life will be filled with success and happiness when you can channelize your challenges and Embrace your Opportunities in both personal and Profe...

20 Jun 2017

public speaking training in hyderabad
How to speak English Fluently and Easily? Are you looking for Communication Skills Training in Hyderabad? Have you ever felt bad about few incidents in your life when you were struggling to find few words while speaking in English? Do you feel that being from a Telugu medium background you are not able to speak fluently in English? Job seekers do you struggle and worry so much about HR ...

04 Jul 2016

Are you looking for TIPS to improve communication skills? Do you feel from within that you are good technically but you are not able to communicate your knowledge to other in a concise and precise way?  Do you generally try to avoid group discussions and chances of presentations and speeches? Does your boss says to you that your communications skills are poor you cannot be promoted? ...

12 Mar 2016

Personality Development training in Hyderabad is that You are searching for? A right course,from a right Trainer can change your life? He is an awesome personality, be like him? How many of you have heard this from your elders? My Dad always used to say this to me Saurabh Chharia it’s not the clothes you wear that people look at they look at your personality. I never used to understand ...

05 Sep 2015

Myths of Public Speaking and Presentations which People assume to be true How do you react when you are spontaneously called onto the stage to give a speech in-front of 100 people?You are least prepared for it but you have lot knowledge regarding that particular topic.You are the best person to speak on that topic but YOU ARE SCARED to go onto the stage.Even though YOU are an expert in ...

29 Jun 2015

How many of you have heard this line "Jack of all master of none". 90% of the people live life this way trying to learn everything and just ending up being average in all things in life. Yesterday something very interesting happened with me. Something went wrong with my site and I was not able to login into it. I was panicked and shocked and I thought I can fix it because i knew a bit...

27 Jun 2015

Many of my friends ask me saurabh when you say IF YOU ARE ODD THANK GOD what do you exactly mean by that.let me ask you this did you ever had few odd tastes few odd interests which people think are not good to have. May be your odd is mountain climbing,may be your odd is race car driving may be your odd is PUBLIC SPEAKING. My Odd was Public speaking and dream of becoming a Motivationa...

26 Jun 2015

I am sure you might have few friends or family members in your circle who are very good at finding faults. Doesn't matter how good work you might have done but there are always few who will find fault for sure. They will say this is not good that is really bad,you are a dumb person they have so many things to say to YOU. There are few people who find fault as if there is some award for ...

25 Jun 2015

I hope few of you might have watched the documentary THE SECRET or read the book.This documentary says just one thing "WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY" . Meaning the thoughts we think attract the same in the real world fascinating isn't it. I always used to wonder  why i get in life the things which i don't want. For example we go on road and we think there shouldn't be traffic and we end up ...
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