27 Jun 2015

If YOU are ODD Thank God by motivational speaker in Hyderabad saurabh chharia

Many of my friends ask me saurabh when you say IF YOU ARE ODD THANK GOD what do you exactly mean by that.let me ask you this did you ever had few odd tastes few odd interests which people think are not good to have. May be your odd is mountain climbing,may be your odd is race car driving may be your odd is PUBLIC SPEAKING.

My Odd was Public speaking and dream of becoming a Motivational speaker in Hyderabad. People think of becoming scientist,doctor engineer but i was odd i wanted to become a motivational speaker the best one in Hyderabad. I shared this interest of mine with my friends and they said man you are crazy,you are odd. what do you get doing all this speaking and motivating YOU ARE ODD that’s what they said.

I started doubting myself that i think i am really odd. I have odd interests which people don’t accept in society. People accept engineers very well in society so finally i became engineer. I had everything a good job, Great Parents and friends but i was not happy. I was missing my ODD. It was pulling me daily.My  love for speaking and helping people was calling me from inside.

I got so frustrated one day and i acknowledged my ODD interest for public speaking and becoming a motivational speaker and that is when i stopped caring what people will think or say about me and i said to myself ‘I AM ODD THANK GOD”. That was a day and today is the one where i am already living my dream and sharing,speaking and motivating my folks. Its just because i accepted my ODD.

This is what i want to say to you my friend. If you have few odds which u have love for but you think what people will say . I say to you acknowledge your odd and “THANK GOD FOR YOUR ODD”

If i wouldn’t have accepted my odd this article wouldn’t have been written my dream of being a motivational speaker and public speaking expert would have died with me. World needs you my friend world needs your odd my friend.

I just want to remind YOU “IF YOU ARE ODD,THANK GOD”


Saurabh chharia

saurabh chharia motivational speaker hyderabad

One thought on “If YOU are ODD Thank God by motivational speaker in Hyderabad saurabh chharia”

  1. Let me know the contact address and training institute address in Hyderabad. Other details like training period/ Fee and timings to facilitate my decision process.

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